14 minutes 16 seconds
🇬🇧 English
Speaker 1
The Jorogun Experience
Speaker 2
They're gonna be able to reverse aging in our lifetimes I think I think by the time you and I are old as fuck They'll probably have figured out a way to turn the clock backwards because they've already had some experimental Things they've done with mice that have been effective and they think that they're very close to reverse it up Yeah, and the manipul and probably you don't want us and you turn to Benjamin Button and you're a fucking baby again, right?
Speaker 1
You go you turn it. That's gonna be a delicate 1 word Madonna just shows up looking like a baby.
Speaker 2
There's gonna be people that identify as babies because they want to be babies. And so then we find out that they're in preschool and they tell them about the other babies, get them cigarettes. Like, what the fuck is going on?
Speaker 2
He's really 60. He's not a baby. He just wanted to do it all over again. And he dialed himself back to 2 years old, but with a 60 year old's brain.
Speaker 2
That's a great movie.
Speaker 1
Take that. Remember when? Remember when?
Speaker 1
Take it. That's a huge 1. So you think that within the next 10 years, I mean, the way things are moving right now is crazy, even with like Chad, you know, Chad GPT the way it was like 4 months ago versus now, like things are on the move.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's the exponential increase in technological innovation. It's like the way things happen, they happen in these big giant waves. And then these technologies feed other new technologies.
Speaker 2
And I think it's going to be the case with all of them I think it's medical science and I think it's technology and I think there's gonna be a combination of the 2 of them eventually There's gonna be something that technology Devices that can fix a lot of problems that people have That's 1 of the uses of neural link They think they're gonna be able to hurt help people that are injured and hurt where they can't use parts of their body They can restore movement. Yeah, that's gonna be 1 of the first ways they use it They're gonna it's gonna there's ones that they're coming out with they're gonna be able to reverse blindness you're gonna be able to give people the ability to see mr. Beast in some sort of artifice no no no I can't react surgery but like an artificial eyeball
Speaker 1
so is it a camera is that essentially what it is well
Speaker 2
it's an it's gonna function the same way an eyeball does but it's gonna send images to your brain Instead of through the normal Biological course that you know it is now where you're looking through your eyes and the rods and cones and everything goes through and you're you See what's going on? What you're gonna Do is get a digitalized version of that you're gonna get a computer version of fake eyeballs
Speaker 1
It's gonna be a wild like and then once that's connected to the internet And then
Speaker 2
just gonna be bizarre looking into someone's fake eyeballs
Speaker 1
The chat GPT thing made it weird where I'm just like, yo, are people just gonna have conversations with like 2 computers? Like it's just gonna be 2 computers talking to each other?
Speaker 2
Look at this. Brain implant startup backed by Bezos and Gates is testing mind-controlled computing on humans. What the fuck, dude?
Speaker 1
I mean, people can't like this.
Speaker 3
God damn it. MK Ultra! MK Ultra!
Speaker 1
You know when it's like sometimes with the conspiracies, you're like, listen, there's a lot of people thinking a lot of conspiracy stuff right now. Can you take it easy for a second? Yeah.
Speaker 1
You go, yeah, yeah, well, But anyways, those guys are crazy. Anyways, we're gonna put chips in the brains within the week and
Speaker 2
you're going, take it easy. What is the latest on the artificial eye thing? The thing that I was just describing.
Speaker 2
I don't know how much of what I said was fiction.
Speaker 3
They showed something during the last Neuralink thing that you were describing that shows an ability to get light through in like pixelation form and they have it, I think it was somewhere around the range of like 10,000 pixels now and I think they get like 36,000 I think.
Speaker 2
I think there was something else that I read that was independent of that, that was talking about a new technology where they might be able to create artificial eyes.
Speaker 3
Oh, something not Neuralink.
Speaker 2
Yeah, I think it's all gonna be eventually linked in. I think, within our lifetime, I think they're gonna have some sort of a brain enhancement.
Speaker 1
Eyes is wild.
Speaker 2
Yeah, there's gonna be some sort of a brain enhancement With whether it's neural link or many competing companies that are working towards the same goal
Speaker 1
feels like it's gonna happen soon
Speaker 2
But if they start doing that like I wonder where we We draw the line that things getting replaced
Speaker 3
similar something posted a year ago
Speaker 2
Bionic eyes how tech is replacing lost vision bionic eyes could be the solution to 1 of the most pressing medical issues of our time Yeah, I think that's
Speaker 3
Speaker 2
the creation of bionic eyes as a result of recent advances in science and technology are restoring Hope to many who are unable to see or partially sighted due to injury illness or genetics Yeah, there you go
Speaker 1
Also, there's gonna be a good while where if you are blind you could tell people you didn't get the surgery and girls would still change in front of you? Yeah that's rude. How dare you Ryan.
Speaker 1
There'd be a few creeps that'd be like, still blind? There's a
Speaker 2
few dudes out there with Ray Charles glasses on just pretending they can't see.
Speaker 1
Blind as a bat.
Speaker 2
I mean how many guys have pretended to be blind? What an evil thing to do.
Speaker 1
That used to be a genre of like internet videos of like the blind guy.
Speaker 2
What a creepy thing to do. That's bad karma.
Speaker 1
Oh super creepy.
Speaker 2
But how long do you think before we have Luke Skywalker type arms where they can replace your arm with something that looks just like a normal human arm?
Speaker 1
Do people not have kind of close versions to that? I mean, at least that they can grip and stuff
Speaker 2
like that. Yeah, they can grip. Yeah, I don't exactly know how it works, but they do have the ability to open and close their hands.
Speaker 2
I don't know if they can individually articulate each finger yet.
Speaker 1
Yeah. There's a lot of money out there. There's a lot of people working on this stuff. There's a lot of Even just the amount of crypto money being poured into different projects right now.
Speaker 2
If they had fake legs that worked way better than real legs and you could literally like jump over fences and run 50 miles an hour, wouldn't you get them?
Speaker 1
I don't think. Ryan, It's
Speaker 2
not that big a surgery.
Speaker 1
If I was 20?
Speaker 2
It's not that big a surgery, bro.
Speaker 1
It's no big deal, they
Speaker 2
just cut your legs off. They cut your legs off and people would be signing up for it. Well you gotta do it 1 leg at a time because you don't want to bleed
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
What the Fuck are you talking about? People
Speaker 1
get the dollar surgery right now. The dollar surgery? The dollar surgery.
Speaker 2
Oh, that's so crazy.
Speaker 1
Dude, they chop, apparently it's like the most painful thing you could imagine kind of thing too. Oh god. Oh god.
Speaker 2
They separate the- We gotta get some
Speaker 3
of these.
Speaker 2
Oh, exoskeletons. Fuck yeah. Yeah,
Speaker 1
can you imagine finding out that 1 guy cheated in like hockey or something and you go? How did he cheat you go? Oh, yeah, he has fake legs,
Speaker 2
right? Yeah, he doesn't feel pain his knees don't ever hurt because he's got fake legs. This guy's got an exoskeleton It's just moving shit around Yeah, I thought that was always like a thing that we thought was gonna be.
Speaker 1
So those aren't real arms?
Speaker 2
Well, he's inside those arms. Oh. See, it's like an exoskeleton.
Speaker 2
So it's like an Iron Man suit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's just more exposed and he can take his arms out of it.
Speaker 1
Is it essentially tethered to your movements, the kind of like, and then it tenfolds them kind of thing?
Speaker 2
Yeah, it makes you way stronger. It's got, it's like a battery pack. There's quite a few of those that have been invented, but there was, there was hope at 1 point in time, like mostly from comic books, that someone was going to be able to figure out some sort of an exoskeleton that made you like a super person Yeah if they could put something on you that literally like tripled your amount of force and what you what you could do as a person but Could last all day and in the comic books like nobody ever figured out There's no never any issue with battery life like no no ever no Man never had a problem with battery life Yeah, he's
Speaker 1
he's gonna fly He's gonna stop by the garage and charge it up for a second.
Speaker 2
Not only that, he has jets that are coming out of his ankles, and there's no indication that he's storing fuel in any part of his body.
Speaker 1
Yeah, where's it all coming from?
Speaker 2
How is this happening? That heart thing, whatever that is. That heart thing!
Speaker 1
There you go.
Speaker 2
Oh, how convenient.
Speaker 1
If you got someone to say that...
Speaker 2
It's the heart thing!
Speaker 3
What are you stupid? What are you fucking dumb?
Speaker 2
But if that could be a thing where we could like literally like move anything we want just put a suit on oh Yeah,
Speaker 3
that's a fucking battery.
Speaker 2
That's right
Speaker 3
He made it by himself member
Speaker 2
yeah, I know but imagine Yeti cop in the middle of your chest Everything else works fine,
Speaker 1
and they had me I guess with that They're like oh, this is enough to power a whole city kind of generate.
Speaker 2
Yeah, yeah, The whole Iron Man thing is so crazy. He can go to space. He can just fly to space.
Speaker 2
He can
Speaker 1
do anything. Smartest
Speaker 2
man in
Speaker 1
the world.
Speaker 2
How is he up there in space?
Speaker 3
How is he cooling him off when he reenters? What are we doing here?
Speaker 2
Getting this in 2023, imagine 2030. 2030, you're going to have, which is only 7 years away, which seems like, well, how long is that? Well, how long is that?
Speaker 2
If you just Look at where we're at in 2023.
Speaker 1
Think of 2015, like different time.
Speaker 2
Different time, different world. Like almost everything's different.
Speaker 1
Everyone's a different gender. 7 years
Speaker 2
from now, you're gonna be able to just talk to computers. You're gonna be able to have conversations, indistinguishable conversations in any voice you like.
Speaker 1
You know, can you imagine if they invented 1 where someone's wife calls them and you essentially just put on a thing and like that? Oh, it's gonna happen. Dude's just like straight.
Speaker 2
That's gonna happen for sure.
Speaker 1
A girl getting divorced, because she's like, I realized I was talking to my husband's like fake computer version of himself for like an hour every night
Speaker 2
100% you're gonna do that. Are you really talking to me or is this AI? I'm sorry, baby.
Speaker 2
It was just I'm in the middle of work. I had to use the AI you son of a bitch
Speaker 1
That's gonna be I was
Speaker 2
telling your AI about my fucking day and you didn't even care.
Speaker 1
AI's getting you in trouble too.
Speaker 2
AI gets you fucked over. AI promises shit like flowers and chocolates. Like what the fuck man?
Speaker 1
You just get a message from a I being like need some help here. I Need backup drowning
Speaker 2
Mean your AI convinces your wife that if you kill your husband I can implant Myself in a new body And we could do this the right way this guy AI tries to he tries to like Literally possess someone's body. Yeah, he's like if you could just get me next to his ear while he's sleeping. I
Speaker 1
can take care of that. I can get in there. I can get, and then it'll just be me and you baby forever.
Speaker 2
Just a little bit of an electrical, like, between the cell phone and his ear.
Speaker 1
Takes over his brain. Yeah, it's just going to be like, the 2 of them having sex, they're like, hey, you whispered into my ear, we don't even need him. What did you mean by that?
Speaker 1
Can you imagine that? Yeah, that is the stuff where it's like Black Mirror, but like legit. You go, how could it not go that way? It's gonna go that way.
Speaker 1
Because people are
Speaker 2
gonna get better at everything. They're gonna get better at robotics, they're gonna get better at energy management and batteries, they're gonna get better at coding, they're gonna get better at AI, they're gonna get better at synthetic tissue. They're gonna get better at having something look Exactly like a human being they're gonna get better at like Regulating its temperature so it regulates its temperature like a human being it's gonna feel like a person and it's gonna talk to you It's gonna be your friend, and you're gonna have a best friend and your best friends a fucking robot Just fucking who are you gonna buy your kid a best friend?
Speaker 2
Mom nobody likes the shows I like listen Billy. We got you a best friend. Yeah little fucking robot with a Knitcap at the front door and The kids like what the fuck mom you got me a robot That thing's not gonna grow old.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Yeah, or worse like your parents are like We don't want you hanging out with that guy anymore. Be like, who do you want me to hang out with? This guy, we got him, Christian Butt 4.5.
Speaker 1
He comes in, he's like, let's read Bibles together. You're like, this sucks, mom, I hate my new best friend.
Speaker 2
And eventually those robots are gonna be like a car lease. Like you're gonna need to trade it in because people are gonna go, hey man, you still got an 8 year old robot?
Speaker 1
That is gross.
Speaker 2
Why don't you have an 11 year old robot you're 11 years old.
Speaker 1
That's an Android robot you got an Android girlfriend Someone showing up with his Android girlfriend they're like the green beeps on the head
Speaker 3
but that sounds a lot like this movie, Megan. Yeah. It's a little Android doll.
Speaker 1
Oh, that's her best friend.
Speaker 3
Yeah. It sounds good, but it looks terrible.
Speaker 2
She starts doing karate
Speaker 1
and flipping through the air. I don't think I'm watching Megan.
Speaker 2
I might watch Megan if I get very intoxicated. Can I see more? Because she does some stuff.
Speaker 1
Oh, now he wants more, Megan.
Speaker 2
She does some stuff. She goes flying through the air and does flips. This is why it looks ridiculous.
Speaker 2
Look at this doll just all of a sudden starts fucking people up. It's just weird. Look at it dancing around, it's very strange.
Speaker 1
Oh, this robot's killing
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah, it sounds like what you were just talking about though, right?
Speaker 2
Very odd.
Speaker 3
It was bought as a gift, I think. Like, it's like the new version of Chucky, maybe
Speaker 2
Yeah, did they buy it for this kid as a friend?
Speaker 3
I haven't seen the movie. I have no idea What it seems like though?
Speaker 2
Yeah that that could happen I mean if they really did develop Like a robot baby that you could hang out with, and you wanted a baby, and you just traded in a couple years, got a robot two-year-old.
Speaker 1
Even better, the guy that's wife's like, I really want to have a kid. You come home, you're like, okay, so we're not going to have the kid, but good news. I got you a robot baby.
Speaker 2
And it just is absolutely indistinguishable from a real baby. You just have to lie to your neighbors and you trade it in the middle of the night. You got to wrap up the robot, take it to the doctor in the middle of the night, they give you a 4 year old baby.
Speaker 1
I think that would have grossed.
Speaker 2
Everybody has to pretend, like, how the fuck did your kid grow so big?
Speaker 3
You haven't seen Billy!
Speaker 2
We just skipped it. Billy, is this like something about
Speaker 3
Billy started doing sports
Speaker 1
and he
Speaker 3
just blossomed like,
Speaker 2
kid went from 2 to 4
Speaker 1
in a week. We just skipped it.
Speaker 2
Skipped the year. It's a robot. It'll be like, oh my god, Mike lies about his kid being a robot.
Speaker 2
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