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Scottish Independence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

15 minutes 18 seconds

🇬🇧 English

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00:00 - 10:00

  • Scotland will be voting on whether to leave the United Kingdom
  • Scotland and England have a complicated history and have been involved in a 300-year arranged marriage
  • There are two campaigns: Scotland, backed by the SMP and the Scottish Greens, and Better Together
  • J.K. Rowling has donated $1.6 million to the Better Together campaign
  • The pro-independence campaign is predominantly financed by lottery winners
  • Scotland wants to govern itself due to political differences with the UK government
  • The anti-independence campaign has concerns about potential consequences for Scotland, such as losing the pound as their currency and dwindling oil reserves
  • The vote is expected to be close and will have significant implications for Scotland's future.

09:58 - 15:16

  • A new poll shows that 51% of Scots plan to vote for independence
  • If Scotland leaves, there will be significant consequences, including changing the Union Jack flag
  • Scotland wants to get rid of nuclear weapons currently based in Scotland, which is a problem for the UK
  • The British government is panicking and trying to make amends with Scotland
  • David Cameron's attempts to plead for Scotland to stay have been ineffective
  • The author makes a comedic plea to Scotland, offering to eat haggis and listen to bagpipe music